9 Little Known Facts About The Stock Market
Investing and trading in stocks can be the most dangerous and confusing things. While most of the people believe in making money through stock market but others conclude this to be a risky affair. The person who helps you with the share market should be called brother because he would probably make you a broker.
Well, here are some little known facts about stock market
1. Lou Pai is a former Enron executive who cashed an estimated $270 million in stock and left the company before it collapsed.
2. The stock market is named after former Boston Bruin enforcer P.J. Stock’s great, great, great grandfather, when he started selling chunks of a company that didn’t actually exist. The company was actually named as stocks.
3. There is a ‘pirate stock exchange’ in Somalia where locals can invest in pirate gangs planning hijacking missions.
4. Only 1.2% of the Indian household financial savings is directly invested in shares which is less than other countries around the world.
5. Earlier foreign citizens were prohibited from trading directly in the Indian stock markets but since Jan 2012, these restrictions are withdrawn.
6. The daily turnover in the Equity Cash segment of National Stock Exchange (NSE) is around $3 billion and that of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) is half a billion dollars.
7. Only Girls were allowed to invest in the stock market in 1974 and the reason behind this is till unknown.
8. The two main stock exchanges for Equity Trading in India are the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE). BSE is the oldest stock exchange in Asia and claims to have the largest number of listed companies in the world.
9. The daily turnover in the Equity Cash segment of National Stock Exchange (NSE) is around $3 billion and that of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) is half a billion dollars.
9 Little Known Facts About The Stock Market
Reviewed by Unknown
1:49:00 AM
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